What’s news at Sounds Like Design?
The Sounds Like Design blog began in 2016 and since then we’ve covered business development and marketing topics, important policy and regulatory issues that affect the profession, and we’ve featured guest posts from several influential architects.
If you’d like to contribute to the blog about a topic or issue that you are passionate about, or think is important to share with your peers and colleagues, email us with your story idea, suggested images and proposed deadline, and we’ll collaborate to help you tell your story to a wider audience.
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Ready to start counting your architecture practice's carbon footprint?
The new Architects Declare AU ‘Guide to going carbon neutral’ is now available, and it’s a must-have resource for practices that have pledged to go carbon neutral in 2020. It contains info about Greenpower and suggested suppliers; overviews of how to conduct a carbon audit, and providers; and details about how to offset any unavoidable carbon emissions.

Measuring your household carbon footprint? There's an app for that!
A few weeks ago I alluded to a new tool for measuring household carbon. Now, I’m ready to tell you all about it, including how you can get your hands on it for half price at the moment….
How are vanguard Architects tackling #ClimateEmergency?
Find out which LCA tool C+C Architectural Workshop recommends, after conducting trials of sustainability, carbon, embodied energy and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software over the past six months.

Welcome to the future!
Kevin McCloud asked: “With climate change, how do we define what is ‘just enough’ for all of us?,” Kevin asked. “And by all of us, I don’t mean us in the room; I mean the 7.5 billion people on the planet… or 15 billion by the end of the century.” And then showed a photo of a house in Sydney… find out which one!

Have you calculated your carbon footprint at home yet?
Lots of Architects Declare signatories have pledged to make their practices carbon neutral this year. but how to do that - is there a map? Find out in this article…

Is your architecture practice prepared for the post-climate change era?
How your architecture practice prospers – or fails – in the post-climate emergency era will depend on two main factors: a) how well you adapt to the changing market and environment, and b) how well you can communicate your offering to consumers.
What can you do to improve your chances of success?

What are you doing to make the world a better place?
How is your architecture practice working to address climate emergency? Are you designing buildings that are efficient, affordable and sustainable, and also adaptable, joyful spaces for living?