Psst… want unique 21C insights for architects?

We help architects thrive through disruption, by growing their practices, fees, salaries, market-share pie and impact.

Rachael has interviewed more than 2000+ architects - including Pritzker Laureates, Gold Medallists and everyone from design directors to project architects - and they all want the same thing.

That is, to work with more and/or better clients who appreciate the value of good design - and who are prepared to invest accordingly - so that architects can do their best work.

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place…

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Why subscribe?

21st Century architects have to respond to complex challenges - including threats to their livelihood and profession - as well as significant new opportunities.

Addressing these interconnected and sometimes competing issues - such as climate emergency; and housing crisis; and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging - requires all of the architects’ considerable abilities; to see the bigger picture and manage the fine grain.

Architects have an essential role to play, because only architects have the requisite skills to steer their clients towards a zero-carbon built environment.

But it’s hard to keep up with the pace of change - let alone get ahead! - so our insights will help you to navigate and thrive through these difficult times.

3 good reasons to join the MArchitecture community:

access Rachael’s unique multi-disciplinary knowledge of architecture, journalism and marketing, which underpins her unique perspective on business development and communications, specifically and exclusively for architects;

explore and embrace new knowledge, skills and methods to improve your own position, so you can design and deliver higher-quality projects and more-satisfied clients, who’ll become your most enthusiastic ambassadors;

fend off threats to the profession and harness new opportunities so that – collectively – architects can deliver good design for more people, places and the planet, setting off a positive impact that ripples outwards across communities.

Join the conversation on social media:

Instagram: @sounds_like_design

LinkedIn: Rachael Bernstone

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Twitter: @RBernstone

Facebook: Sounds Like Design