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The Sounds Like Design blog began in 2016 and since then we’ve covered business development and marketing topics, important policy and regulatory issues that affect the profession, and we’ve featured guest posts from several influential architects.
If you’d like to contribute to the blog about a topic or issue that you are passionate about, or think is important to share with your peers and colleagues, email us with your story idea, suggested images and proposed deadline, and we’ll collaborate to help you tell your story to a wider audience.
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Why should you enter the Belle and InsideOut awards, and House & Garden’s Top 50 Rooms competition?
Entering architecture awards is a great way to raise awareness of your practice and projects, and maybe even connect with future clients. But how can you practice preparing great awards entries, in a low-cost, low-risk way? This article provides details of three great programs that enable you to polish your awards-entry skills.

What are the main benefits of the Awards and Publishing marketing channels?
Publishing and Awards are closely linked and both are useful marketing channels to raise awareness around your architecture practice and projects. And - if you strategically select the most appropriate awards programs to enter - you can potentially use them to generate new projects, too.

8 ways that architecture practices can benefit from blogging (aka content marketing)
Blogging or content marketing can help to enhance your project pipeline and win more of the projects you love working on. However, most architecture practices don’t produce blogs consistently, preferring to focus instead on other marketing channels such as social media, publishing and awards. This article sets out 8 reasons to add blogging to your marketing strategy.

Create a publication strategy to maximise coverage of your architecture projects
Publication is all about building brand awareness and attracting new clients to your architecture practice. But how do you navigate the various tiers of publication and maximise your coverage across print magazines and newspapers, and online platforms and blogs? This article lays out the strategy in a step-by-step process.

How to use architecture publishing to connect with new clients
Is it still useful for architects to seek publication in printed magazines? And if so, how should you go about it? In this blog post and video, I explain that the short answer is yes: read on to discover the right way to go about it to meet your business objectives.
After your Awards entries are lodged, it's time to consider Publishing...
If you submitted a project to an awards program this year, now is a good time to think about having it published, before the awards are announced. That’s because once those announcements are made, you essentially relinquish control over where your project will appear, so get ahead of the curve with a publishing strategy that prioritises print features first.

Do you have what it takes to talk about architecture in the media?
Last week’s wide-ranging and controversial discussions about architecture in the Sydney Morning Herald got me thinking that it would be great if more architects had the skills and confidence to speak to journalists. Here, I provide some tips on how to prepare for media interviews, or get the training you need to become a proficient media spokesperson.

How to use websites and magazines to market your architecture practice
Do you want to use publishing as a marketing channel that can help you create brand awareness AND generate leads for new projects? This article describes how to frame your story to connect and engage with future clients.

Publishing and PR for Architects: start here
If you’re keen to improve your publishing smarts - and use publishing strategically to enhance brand awareness and encourage new clients to make contact with your practice - this collection of articles may help.

What is Public Relations and how can it help my architecture practice?
Public Relations can help architecture practices to build brand awareness and position themselves as experts, both in the media and among prospective clients. This article explains how architects can incorporate Public Relations techniques into their marketing and communications strategy, and why regular and sustained activity leads to positive results.