Architecture marketing consulting:
Review + Reset
It’s great that you are thinking about ways to enhance your communications and marketing efforts, to bring more new business into your architecture practice.
My “Review + Reset” marketing and communications package has been specifically designed for architects, because communicating the value of good design - and marketing to attract new architecture clients - requires a specialised skill set.
The three-step process takes place over three months, and will help you obtain clarity around four key questions:
Who are your ideal future clients, or key target audiences?;
What are the key messages you wish to convey to them?;
How and where should you deliver those messages to your target audiences?; and
What’s the next action your future clients should take, once they’ve received your marketing message?
The three step Review + Reset process
Step 1
You start by completing the R+R intake form, so Rachael can audit your current business development and marketing goals, activities, and metrics.
Understanding what measures you already have in place is crucial.
Step 2
We hold 2x2 hour workshops - in person at your studio or via Zoom - to establish your marketing foundational definitions, and the high priority clients and sectors you want to focus on.
Then we’ll co-create a strategy to move you towards your goals.
Step 3
Rachael prepares your Business Development & Marketing Blueprint (BD&MB), with customised tasks listed in priority order, and marketing metrics to monitor your performance.
Implement your Blueprint in-house or confidently delegate to consultants.
Your Business Development & Marketing Blueprint
At the conclusion of the Review + Reset package, Rachael will provide you with your customised Business Development & Marketing Blueprint (BD&MB), and you’ll have the confidence to implement the plan we’ve developed, knowing your efforts are going to be targeted, timely and transformative.
Your BD&MB will serve as the foundation of your future marketing and communications activities, and includes:
How to collect and use Referrals to bring in new clients via word-of-mouth;
How to understand what your prospective clients need at various points in their customer journey, and how to grow your Email subscriber list to build trust and confidence in your practice;
How and what to post on Social Media, and which platforms to use;
How and where to Publish your projects to attract more ideal clients;
How to re-purpose Awards entries into marketing messages to bring in new business; and
How all these activities lead visitors back to your Website, where you tell the story of your practice.
Your SLD Marketing Metrics tracking spreadsheet with benchmark metrics, so you can monitor your progress over time, and fine tune your activities in future, in line with actual performance data.
Because the nature of this work is intensive, Rachael takes on just one new client per month. To see whether we are a good fit, and to obtain more details, including package fees:
What our past clients say about working with us