What are you doing to make the world a better place?

We’re not afraid to ask the hard questions at The Drill. And this week, those questions centre on greenhouse gas emissions and taking decisive action to combat climate change, in the face of government inaction.

This morning I interviewed an architect for a story, and she described how she aims to design buildings - including houses - that are efficient, affordable and sustainable, and also adaptable, joyful spaces for living.

She told me that the house we were discussing for an upcoming article: “squarely challenges the Australian housing myth that perpetuates models of flabby, unsustainable McMansions and demonstrates that sustainable architecture is Affordable.”

I’m always excited to hear architects talking about how their work challenges the status quo, disrupts the current market place, and seeks to influence conversations beyond their own clients and practices.

I believe that Architects have a responsibility to become stewards for the built environment.

One way Architects can do this is to participate in conversations in public forums to promote the value of good design. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are all good places to spread this message. On this topic, I was asked this week: ‘What’s the difference between a LinkedIn post and a LinkedIn Article?’, which is a great question, especially if you’re trying to establish yourself as a Trusted Advisor.

A LinkedIn Post is like a status update - it’s a short message, with people links and hashtags, to express your opinion or share an announcement. An Article is similar to a blog post, and should be longer (at least 300 words, up to 2000 if your topic is compelling); it also has a headline, an intro description, an image and has no tags or people links.

I discovered that the best day to post Articles is a Thursday, and so I suggest you try and establish a weekly schedule for new content, and then promote your Articles in a Post on LinkedIn or Twitter - to drive traffic and engagement - on the following Monday or Tuesday. You may also choose to upload your Article to your own website / blog.

Here’s some more info about the two different types of LinkedIn content, and how to use the:, www.impactbnd.com/blog/6-expert-tips-for-building-your-2019-linkedin-marketing-strategy.

And if you need help with how to apply comms strategy to architecture practice, that’s our speciality!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


Reframing design for a mass-market television audience


Communicating the Value of Architecture