Paul Hofman.
Photography by Andrew Pritchard.


Paul Hofman,
Paul Hofman Architect

Paul Hofman is a Perth-based architect who completed Review + Reset in November 2022. I’m grateful for his generous feedback which has been lightly edited here, and for updates he provided about changes he’s made to his website since completing the package.

Overall, Paul rated the Review + Reset 5 out of 5 stars, saying that boosted his understanding around how to effectively market his services.

You can find more details about Paul’s experience of Review + Reset below, and visit his updated website with a series of YouTube videos, here

“[Review + Reset] helped me understand marketing generally, and specifically marketing for architectural services.”

— Paul Hofman, 2022

1. How satisfied were you overall with the Review + Reset package for your architecture practice?

5 out of 5

2. How were you feeling about your practice marketing before undertaking the Review + Reset package?

5 out of 10

3. Were you happy with the duration of the Review + Reset package?

Yes, the 10-12-week package worked well for my practice.

4. Did you have any initial hesitations about committing to the Review + Reset package?


5. What helped you overcome those concerns and agree to go ahead?

Not applicable

6. Have you noticed any changes in your overall business or marketing/communications since we started working together on the Review + Reset package?

I’m still working through most of the suggestions. e.g. Upgrading the website. (Edited to add: Paul’s website has now been updated and you can visit it here)

7. Which specific parts of the Review + Reset package did you find most valuable?

It helped me understand marketing generally, and specifically marketing for architectural services.

8. After completing Review + Reset, do you think differently now about the volume and types of projects you want to win, and the clients you want to work with?

No, I knew what volume of work and the clients that I wanted, the issue was how to find them.

9. Have you noticed any positive results from implementing your recommended business development and marketing actions?

Google Analytics doesn't show a huge increase in traffic to my website, but several people have commented that they have viewed the videos. I think the new website and videos was definitely a good move.

10. Have you added or enhanced any of the following channels to your marketing plan?


  • Publishing in magazines and online

  • Appearances on radio, podcasts or TV

  • Promoting your projects or as a subject matter expert.

11. Do you think you and your practice have you become more accessible and appealing to your target clients in your marketing and messaging, after completing the Review + Reset package?

Not yet.

12. Is your mindset (or set of internal beliefs) about what’s possible in your architecture practice different now, as a result of doing this package? 

I have a better understanding.

13. How are you feeling about your practice marketing after completing the Review + Reset package?

8 out of 10

14. Would you recommend the Review + Reset package to other architects?


15. Is there anything else you’d like to add about the Review + Reset package, process, the six-channel system or your results to date?

I am busy at the moment and my enquiry rate has definitely increased, but it is hard to credit where that has come from. Most is still word of mouth and I am finally working on the social housing project which I actively pursued myself. So, we can say that your program helped with this!

“I knew what volume of work and the clients that I wanted,

the issue was how to find them.”

— Paul Hofman, 2022

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consulting package, Review + Reset?