Carol Marra.
Photograph supplied.


Carol Marra, Marra + Yeh

Carol Marra and Ken Yeh completed our Review + Reset package in November 2020, and generously provided feedback about what they found useful and valuable.

Overall, Carol rated the experience 5 out of 5 stars, saying that it “was a really enjoyable process for something most architects find drudgery”.

I’m grateful for Carol’s feedback, which has been lightly edited here.

You can read Carol and Ken’s case study below, and visit their website here.

“Now we have a big picture vision of what the Marketing and Communications Blueprint is, and how to use it going forward.

The Review + Reset package was very helpful to get a better understanding of how each technique is used to drive people to the website, and now we can prioritize our activities for best results.

This was a really enjoyable process for something most architects find drudgery; it's not our core business but it's important to the business.”

— Carol Marra, 2020

1. How satisfied were you overall with the Review + Reset package for your architecture practice?

5 out of 5

2. How were you feeling about your practice marketing before undertaking the Review + Reset package?

Not applicable

3. Were you happy with the duration of the Review + Reset package?

Yes, the 10-week package worked well for my practice.

4. Did you have any initial hesitations about committing to the Review + Reset package?

Not really. It was clear what we were going to be doing, what to expect and you explained everything in detail.

5. What helped you overcome those concerns and agree to go ahead?


6. Have you noticed any changes in your overall business or marketing/communications since we started working together on the Review + Reset package?

You helped us with an awards entry and we got shortlisted. You helped with media communications for publication and the project has been picked up by media.

7. Which specific parts of the Review + Reset package did you find most valuable?

  1. Big picture vision of what the Marketing Communications Blueprint is, and how to use it going forward.

  2. Having a comms strategy, not a haphazard approach as before.

  3. Getting a better understanding of how each technique is used to drive people to the website, being able to prioritize for best results.

8. Would you recommend the Review + Reset package to other architects?

Yes definitely. But they need to be organised!

15. Is there anything else you’d like to add about the Review + Reset package, process, the six-channel system or your results to date?

Was a really enjoyable process for something most architects find drudgery, it's not our core business but it's important to the business.

“You helped us with an awards entry and we got shortlisted.

You helped with media communications for publication and the project has been picked up by media.”

— Carol Marra, 2020

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consulting package, Review + Reset?