Rachael Carter. Photograph supplied.


Rachel Carter

Rachel Carter completed Review + Reset in August 2020 and has generously provided feedback about what she liked about the program.

Overall, Rachel rated the experience 5 out of 5 stars, saying that it gave her “the opportunity to reflect on parts of my history and business that I hadn't considered important, or given attention to.”

I’m grateful for Rachael’s feedback, which has been lightly edited in the full case study, below.

“I was surprised by the generosity in the package.

I believe you are genuinely interested in my business and in my ideas, and I am grateful for that!”

— Rachel Carter, 2020

1. How satisfied were you overall with the Review + Reset package for your architecture practice?

5 out of 5

2. How were you feeling about your practice marketing before undertaking the Review + Reset package?


3. Were you happy with the duration of the Review + Reset package?

Yes, the 10-week package worked well for my practice.

4. Did you have any initial hesitations about committing to the Review + Reset package?

I was hesitant about spending the money because of the perception that these ‘modern marketing’ techniques can be self-taught with the overwhelming amount of free online resources.

5. What helped you overcome those concerns and agree to go ahead?

The exact sentence that convinced me was this one!:

"You’re working alone and remotely, so you don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off, or get feedback from, so the whole process is daunting and overwhelming and goes in the too hard basket… again!"

So I realised that if I was to try and come up with a solution myself, I wouldn’t have access to the feedback of someone who knows intimately, the Australian architecture and design industry. I’m a bit of an idealist and dreamer, and I have learnt over my career that I rely on colleagues or collaborators to keep my feet on the ground.

6. Have you noticed any changes in your overall business or marketing/communications since we started working together on the Review + Reset package?

I have a more defined idea of what research is in the context of interior design in Australia could be.

I also have more confidence in sharing my thoughts, experience, knowledge and pursuing this direction for my work.

7. Which specific parts of the Review + Reset package did you find most valuable?

  1. The discussion - specifically the opportunity to reflect on parts of my history and business that I hadn't considered important or given attention to.

  2. Clear statements of values, mission, purpose etc - I would have struggled to come up with these or they would have been a lot more flighty!

  3. Specific suggestions of where to go from here, including suggestions for service offerings and blog posts etc. With specific suggestions, I can build a strong idea in my head about opportunities for the future.

8. Would you recommend the Review + Reset package to other architects?

Yes, if I saw a fellow designer searching for feedback or opinions on their marketing, I would suggest that they invest in talking to someone who has the knowledge and experience rather than bouncing ideas of friends, families and colleagues who probably don’t know anything either.

15. Is there anything else you’d like to add about the Review + Reset package, process, the six-channel system or your results to date?

I was surprised by the generosity in the package. I believe you are genuinely interested in my business and in my ideas, and I am grateful for that! Thanks.

“I have a more defined idea of what research is in the context of interior design in Australia could be.

I also have more confidence in sharing my thoughts, experience, knowledge and pursuing this direction for my work.”

— Rachel Carter, 2020

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