Why Rachael Carter recommends the Review + Reset comms package for architects

Rachael Carter is an Australian interior designer who lives and works in the north-east of Brazil, where she provides remote services to Australian-based design professionals.

Her business - Studio RAD - collaborates with a team of local interior designers and architects to provide reliable, high-quality drafting services to Australian design professionals who are struggling to do it all.

RAD assists with documentation, plan layout options and quick turn-around project research, thereby helping clients to increase the efficiency, richness and profile of their businesses.

Interior Design is, by nature, a force for sustainability (within a wider unsustainable context) as should be celebrated as such.”
- Rachael Carter

Why was Rachael interested in Review + Reset?

Rachael first contacted Sounds Like Design to ask about the Review + Reset consulting service in early 2020, and admits she was initially hesitant to spend the money on the package.

“That was because of the perception that these ‘modern marketing’ techniques can be self-taught with the overwhelming amount of free online resources,” she explains. “But the sentence that convinced me was: ‘You’re working alone and remotely, so you don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off, or get feedback from, so the whole process is daunting and overwhelming and goes in the too hard basket… again!’“

Rachael realised that if she tried to arrive at a solution on. her own, she wouldn´t have access to the feedback of someone who intimately knows the Australian architecture and design industry.

“I´m a bit of an idealist/dreamer and I have learnt over my career that I rely on colleagues/collaborators to keep my feet on the ground,” she says.

Rachael Carter moved to Brazil, got married and had a son. Her design business Studio RAD serves mostly Australian clients.

What improvements has Rachael noticed since she completed the package?

“I’ve noticed changes in my business and marketing/comms since I started working with Rachael at Sounds Like Design on the R+R package, in that I now have a more defined idea of what ‘research’ in the context of Interior design in Australia could be,” she says.

“I also have more confidence in sharing my thoughts, experience and knowledge and pursuing this direction for my work.”

What were the most beneficial elements of the Review + Reset package?

Rachael found several parts of the R+R package to be particularly valuable including:

  • The discussion: “Specifically the opportunity to reflect on parts of my history and business that I hadn't considered important or given attention to,” she explains;

  • Developing clear statements about her practice’s values/mission/purpose etc: “I would have struggled to come up with these or they would have been a lot flightier!” Rachael says;


  • Specific suggestions of where to go from here, including suggestions for service offerings and blog posts etc. “With specific suggestions, I can build a strong idea in my head about opportunities for the future,” she continues..

Rachael also does pro bono design work in her local neighbourhood, as a way of contributing to her adopted community.

Why does Rachael recommend the R+R package to others?

“If I saw a fellow designer searching for feedback or opinions on their marketing,” she says, “I would suggest that they invest in talking to someone who has the knowledge and experience, rather than bouncing ideas of friends, families and colleagues, who probably don´t know anything either.”

And Rachael added that she was positively surprised by the generosity in the R+R package.

“I believe you are genuinely interested in my business and in my ideas, and I am grateful for that!” she says.

If you’d like to get in touch with Rachael Carter, you’ll find her contact details on the Studio RAD website.

And you can get more information about the Review + Reset package, and request pricing details here. Scroll down and click on the green button to provide your email address to access pricing, and find out the next available start date.

If you have any questions about the package and how it can help your practice establish and/or refine your marketing activities, feel free to email Rachael Bernstone at hello@soundslikedesign.com.au.


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